We have designed our gateway to be able to handle transaction submissions and responses in the Authorize.Net format. If you would like to use the Authorize Net Emulator then your shopping cart or application must support the Authorize.Net AIM or SIM method of integration. If the application supports the AIM or SIM method, you simply need to change the transaction POST URL to our Gateway Emulator URL.
The Gateway does not support the emulation of XML AIM, CIM, ARB, DPM, Card Present or Transaction Details APIs.
Our Gateway Emulator URL is :
AIM : https://integratepayments.transactiongateway.com/gateway/transact.dll
SIM : https://integratepayments.transactiongateway.com/cart/ausi.php
You will need to change any production and test Authorize.Net URLs to one of the above URLs. The following URLs should be replaced :
Some applications will not contain the test URL. In that case, you will only be changing one URL. Once you have updated the URLs to point to us, the application will submit transactions without needing changes to the code base.
You will then need to configure the Authorize.Net AIM or SIM payment module with the following credentials:
API ID or Login ID is your gateway username.
Transaction Key is your gateway password.
The MD5 Hash is the word "gateway" without the marks.
For testing, you can use the username and password of "demo" and "password".
Every merchant account will have to stay compliant by completing a SAQ Self Assessment Questionnaire every year or they will be charged a monthly PCI non compliance fee. PCI monthly & annual fees may still apply to a merchant account based on PCI Tier level of business.