Integrate Payments on your Website with 3dcart
Payment Processing Integrations
Payment Gateway Integration Directions
Click for DetailsSetup your merchant account with Integrate Payments First.
Listed as 'NMI Gateway Services'
Settings --> Payments --> Online Methods
Choose 'Accept credit cards' and click 'next'.
Click 'Add New' and choose 'NMI Gateway Services' from drop down. Click 'next'.
NMI Gateway Services Settings:
a. Caption --> Credit Card
b. Active (must be checked)
c. Customer Group -- up to merchant (All or Phone Only)
d. Country/State -- can exclude states if desired.
e. Username -- enter into field.
f. Password -- click on 'pencil' icon and enter. Click save.
g. Authorize Only -- if checked, will NOT complete the sale.
h. Order Amount -- up to merchant
i. Order Status -- new or unpaid. Up to merchant.
Integrate Payments does not collect fees associated with any 3rd party software provider
Every merchant account will have to stay compliant by completing a SAQ Self Assessment Questionnaire every year or they will be charged a monthly PCI non compliance fee. PCI monthly & annual fees may still apply to a merchant account based on PCI Tier level of business.